What is the field OLD VALUATION DIFFERENCE in FC valuation (SAPF100) representing?
There's value in OLD VALUATION DIFFERENCE and NEW DIFFERENCE when I run tcode F.05 for only one particuler customer account.
Why is that so?
And the valuation amount posted would be OLD VALUATION DIFFERENCE - NEW DIFFERENCE
Answer :
In your selection criteria for the program you have ticked "Bal.Sheet Preparation Valuatn" This would explain why the program is working with cumulative figures and only posting the difference between one month and the next.

This is actually not recommended.
It is impossible to manage properly or to audit because the balances in the revaluation accounts are an amalgam of figures built up over months or even years.
It is far better to leave this field unchecked and to reverse the valuation on the first day of the following month and to revalue completely at next month-end.
This way your balances are only the current revaluations and you do not have to track back through the history to prove them.
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