The batch Input session records the actions which are required in the process of transferring data into the system.

This can be done by using normal SAP transactions.
As soon as the program generates the said session, you will be able to run the session in order to execute the SAP transactions in it.
Moreover, you can start the session, and at the same time, can monitor a session with the help of batch input management function.
For this you have to choose:
System -> Services -> Batch input.
Moreover, you can have the session run in the background processing.
The process flows for a batch input are discussed below.
Data Transfer Decision-Making:
It is with a decision to transfer data from an external source into R/3 that the process of batch input begins.
It is probable that the external source may be a legacy system that is being replaced.
A one-time bulk data transfer is foreseen in this regard.
Alternatively, the external source may be an external system that is to remain in use.
In this case, a regularly recurring bulk data transfer is foreseen.
Setting up Batch-Input for Data Transfers:
If R/3 standard one-time or regular data transfers are required, then by means of customizing settings in the R/3 Customizing System in SAP ASAP set up will occur. You must set up custom batch input procedures by hand, which means the system administrator must schedule the data conversion program that creates the batch input session.
The system administrator and the batch input programmer must determine the following:
-how frequently data is made available from the external system
-how frequently the conversion program should run
-whether the conversion program runs in R/3 (ABAP program) or in a host system (external program).
Processing Batch Input Sessions:
When a batch input session is processed, then the actual transfer of data into R/3 takes place. Little attention is required in processing of batch input sessions by the system administrator. Usually, the starting of batch input sessions is automated by the system administrator. If necessary, the administrators can also start batch input session explicitly from transaction SM35.
Checking Batch Input Sessions:
For a system administrator the routine activity is to check daily or more frequently in transaction SM35 whether all batch input sessions have been completed successfully.
It is the schedule for running batch input sessions on which the schedule for checking sessions depends upon.
For doing this check the R/3 System provides easy-to-use batch input management tools.
Analyzing Errors:
It is the duty of the system administrator to analyze the problem if one or more transactions in a session end in errors.
Usually, the assistance of the affected data entry specialist or department for this analysis will be needed by the system administrator.
In the situation where the problem was caused by incorrect data conversion or incorrect generation of the batch input session then the programmer who wrote the data conversion program may also need to be involved.
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